While basic web hosting simply provides storage space for your website, at uLocally we know that web hosting can be so much more. All of our web hosting plans include a Control Panel so that you can manage all of the details of your website. The most user-friendly website management system available, it allows you to access a variety of tools to turn your website into a powerful business tool.
When the professionals at uLocally host your website, you get much more than just simple storage space. Every web hosting plan includes a user-friendly Control Panel enabling you to have complete control over managing your site. Our management system allows you to access easy to use tools to empower your business and online presence.

The Benefits of a uLocally Control Panel Web Host:
- Dependability: It always works. It is the platform of choice providing 24/7 access and never experiences frustrating downtime.
- Ease of Use: Simple and intuitive navigation allows any user to successfully make changes.
- Feature-rich: It has a large selection of excellent features and tools available to make a powerful online statement regarding your brand.
- Agnostic Migration: Moving your website to our uLocally Control Panel Web Hosting management system is simple permitting you to upgrade your site for optimal results.

What are some of the most important features you can look forward to with a uLocally plan?
- Email – Create multiple accounts for your employees, use autoresponders to immediately respond to customers, and have access to forwarding features. Reduce your junk mail with email authentication, and Apache Spam Assassin. Finally, promote your business with mailing lists and easy to use email marketing tools.
- Security – Your uLocally site is secured with Leech Protect, HotLink Protection and ModSecurity Firewall protection. Additionally, password protected directories, SSL/TLS, IP address denials, and GnuPG key settings work cohesively to protect your data and restrict access from unwanted intrusions.
- Domains – Various domains, whether parked, an add-on, or subdomain, allow you to scale up when you have a need; as your business grows, so will your website. Redirects are effortless for ideal user navigation and simple & advanced DNS Zone Editors identify your site.
- Apps Galore – Your website becomes a dynamic business tool with multi-functional applications. Guest books, blogs, comment sections and bulletin boards encourage customer interaction and reflect great customer service. E-commerce applications control inventory, shopping carts, and payment systems. Regardless of your industry, our various applications will help you maximize your customer’s online experience.
- Databases – While some databases limit access, a uLocally database lets you store large amounts of data. Pertinent information important to your business’s success such as purchase history, inventory records, and customer information is stored in a secure yet easy to use location.
- Logs – Perhaps the most important tool, when it comes to your website, is knowing your marketing efforts are working. Track your website performance and site traffic with AWStats and Webalizer.